The "Edgar Berlin" daycare centres are independently run child and preschool facilities for children aged 1-6 years, which focus on early childhood development in a professional environment. As a socio-pedagogical educational institution that sees itself as supporting family upbringing by means of age- and developmentally appropriate support for the child, "Edgar Berlin" is highly committed to complying with the regulations applicable to daycare facilities in accordance with the Berlin Education Programme, thus ensuring the desired quality of early childhood education in Berlin.

The "Edgar Berlin" daycare centres work according to the basic tasks and goals of daycare centre work in accordance with § 28 KitaFög. The children are cared for from the first year of life until pre-school age in U3 (children from 1-3 years) and Ü3 (3-6 years) groups by the pedagogical staff on a full-time basis.

The aim of this division is to enable more developmentally specific and interest-oriented work. The room division into U3 and Ü3 areas gives the children more orientation and the educational areas are more clearly defined.

While the older child demands more factual knowledge and wants to explore his or her environment further in activities and projects, the younger child focuses on breaking away from the previous caregiver and conquering the immediate environment.

The facilities are open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
The managing director of Edgar Berlin gGmbH is Peggy Laubinger.
The pedagogical director is Lena Wahl.
